Isoray - Innovative Brachytherapy

Prostate Cancer Survivor Lou L. Talks About His Brachytherapy Experience

Lou was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2007. After investigating all of his options, Lou eventually chose brachytherapy.

“I never had a day when I had a regret I might have chosen the right course. We all have our second thoughts, I had none. It was a smooth operation all the way including my recovery. In essence, I never had any time I was laid up or brought down. I kept my normal, busy schedule. I never felt like my energy was flagging or that I made a wrong choice.”

For many diagnosed with prostate cancer, gone are the days when treatment meant months of recovery, repeat hospital visits, prolonged urinary incontinence, and pain.

“Very quickly I realized [Cesium brachytherapy] patients were getting through their acute side effects quicker,” says Dr. Steven Kurtzman. “Short-term there are expected urinary obstructive symptoms. By week 4, like clockwork, they start to get better. When I see my patients at 2-3 months follow up, they are back to their baseline and have basically forgotten they’ve done it.

Brachytherapy came highly recommended by those with whom Lou spoke who had experience with brachytherapy for prostate cancer. What Lou heard echoed Dr. Kurtzman’s sentiment. The reasons for this recommendation, “the facility of it, the comfort of it and the relatively easy-going with that procedure.”

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, please get educated about all of your treatment options including brachytherapy. Contact today.