Isoray - Innovative Brachytherapy

Patient Stories

Can prostate cancer treatment really be “easy?” Brachytherapy experience in prostate prostate cancer survivors own words.

“I was surprised by how easy it was.” - Carl Janssens, Prostate Cancer Survivor on Brachytherapy. “[After the treatment] we walked out and went home.” Although scientifically well documented, not enough prostate cancer patients are aware of the efficacy and...

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Prostate Cancer Survivor, Dave Ricordati, Tells His Story

Prostate Cancer Survivor, Dave Ricordati, Tells His Story

Like many men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, Dave knew very little about the prostate, what his diagnosis would entail, and most importantly, his options for treatment.

Due to his experience, with his treatment behind him and PSA levels normalized, he takes every chance he can get to talk to men who have been newly diagnosed with prostate cancer. “I think that is what I can do best for men: let them know my experience,” says Dave. “Be informed, have the facts, and then they can make their own decision.”

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