Lou was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2007. After investigating all of his options, Lou eventually chose brachytherapy. “I never had a day when I had a regret I might have chosen the right course. We all have our second thoughts, I had none. It was a smooth...
Patient Videos
Sex After Brachytherapy
Following many prostate cancer treatment options, sexual recovery takes time. Many men experience difficulty having and maintaining an erection, and orgasm feels qualitatively different. However, for prostate cancer survivor Dave Ricordati, these negative side effects are absent after brachytherapy treatment.
Even when faced with aggressive prostate cancer, know ALL of your treatment options
It bears repeating: in recent conversations with multiple prostate cancer survivors and the physicians that treat them, we hear again and again how important it is for patients to know about all of their options if...
(No) Incontinence After Brachytherapy
One side effect of many prostate cancer treatment options is possible incontinence. Removing the prostate through surgery or weakening it during external beam radiation disrupts the way urine is held in the bladder-...
Can prostate cancer treatment really be “easy?” Brachytherapy experience in prostate prostate cancer survivors own words.
“I was surprised by how easy it was.” - Carl Janssens, Prostate Cancer Survivor on Brachytherapy. “[After the treatment] we walked out and went home.” Although scientifically well documented, not enough prostate cancer patients are aware of the efficacy and...
The importance of prostate cancer support networks
Prostate cancer survivor John Aguzino and his daughter Celeste discuss his prostate cancer treatment journey and the importance of prostate cancer support networks. The importance of support networks for men undergoing treatment for prostate cancer can not be...
Prostate cancer survivor Dave Ricordati: “Do your own homework.”
During Dave’s initial diagnosis for prostate cancer, his primary care physician and his urologist did not steer him toward brachytherapy. “Assuming you are not going to hear all of your options from your physician, and...