Isoray - Innovative Brachytherapy
Cesium-131 - Proven, Personalized, Precise

Blu Tray

Isoray’s Blu Tray delivery system empowers clinicians by organizing and measuring Cesium-131 Strands while in the OR. The custom designed, shielded, stainless steel tray organizes strands for clinicians who pre-plan cases or those that prefer to do real-time dosimetry and modify strands in the OR. Blu Tray is a modern tool for today's brachytherapist.
Modern Isotope
  • 9.7 day half-life
  • Energy level at 30.4 Kev
  • Faster dose delivery rate. 90% of dose delivered in ~33 days
  • Detectable in the body for only 97 days
  • Flexible suture and allows for precise placement within tissue
  • Bioabsorbable suitable for a range of body sites
  • Customizable lengths available
 Isoray Difference
  • Expert Sales and Support teams ensuring real-time ordering and delivery for procedures throughout the body.
  • Committed to offering interactive training programs throughout the US teaching the leading techniques and the newest tools.
  • Empowering patients to make their own treatment decisions based on decades of data.

Modern brachytherapy starts here.

Not all brachytherapy radioisotopes are the same. Cesium-131 offers you a powerful option for treating prostate and other cancers throughout the body.

Higher Energy

Isoray’s proprietary isotope, Cesium-131, has a higher energy allowing for a more uniform dose distribution with less overdosing than other permanent isotopes. (1)

Shorter Half-Life

Isoray’s proprietary isotope, Cesium-131, has a shorter half-life than other commonly used isotopes for the treatment of cancer throughout the body, resulting in a shorter duration of radiation which contributes to a rapid resolution of patient side effects. (2)

Improved Coverage of the Prostate

Isoray’s Cesium-131 proprietary permanent prostate cancer brachytherapy seeds allow for better dose homogeneity and the sparing of the urethra and rectum while providing comparable prostate coverage compared to other seeds with comparable or fewer seeds and needles. (3, 4, 5, 6)

Rapid Resolution of Side effects

Isoray’s proprietary isotope, Cesium-131, has a shorter half-life than other commonly used isotopes for the treatment of cancer throughout the body, resulting in a shorter duration of radiation which contributes to a rapid resolution of patient side effects. (7, 8, 9, 10)

Higher Biologically Effective Dose

Isoray’s Cesium-131 also delivers a higher “biological effective dose” or BED compared to I-125 or Pd-103 across a wide range of tumor types. (11)

PSA Control

Isoray along with investigators tracking PSA in both single arm and randomized prostate cancer treatment trials have concluded that Cesium-131’s PSA response rates have similar early tumor control to I-125, which was previously considered the gold standard in permanent seed brachytherapy. (8, 12, 13)

Your Isotope Choice Makes a Difference


Introduced in 1986
  • 17 Day Half Life (18)

  • 20.8 Kev

  • 58 Days for 90% Dose

  • Detectable in the body for 170 Days


Introduced in 1965
  • 60 Day Half Life (18)

  • 28.5 Kev

  • 204 Days for 90% Dose

  • Detectable in the body for 600 Days